
What Does 130.2 Kilos Register In Weight

How to enter weight in fractions of pounds


Hi all, I'm getting really confused most how to translate the reading on my scales to MyFitnessPal's weight tracker. My reading today was 9 rock 4 and a quarter. Merely mfp seems to divide stones into tenths (?!) then I am struggling to work out how to record this. Am I more similar 9.41, or nine.25 using this system? Distressing if I'm very confused, I haven't managed coffee yet today. Thanks for your assistance!


  • tinkerbellang83

    round up or down, a lot easier than stressing yourself over a couple of ounces.

  • MoveitlikeManda

    round up or down, a lot easier than stressing yourself over a couple of ounces.


  • Ellie1642

    Thanks! I'm just not certain what to round to in this case. Can I enter the weight somewhere that doesn't use the ticker?

  • HeliumIsNoble

    Are y'all really on the rock/pounds setting? Cheque on this link, to ostend if you take stone/pounds selected.

    I recall the best thing would be to ignore the ounces, and just record the stone and pounds, but if y'all want to tape the ounces, your weight is nine stone, 4.25 pounds.

    Personally, I'd recommend switching to metric, though. ;)

  • kommodevaran

    No information technology doesn't, MFP uses "stones and pounds", "pounds and tenths" and "kilos and tenths". Pick one that corresponds with your scales.

  • Ellie1642

    Thank you so much! Peradventure I volition forget about the ounces as you all say

  • HeliumIsNoble

    Thank you so much! Maybe I volition forget nigh the ounces as you all say

    It's completely up to you lot. Just double-cheque those settings! From what y'all draw, I call back you might be on the default setting of just pounds.

  • LivingtheLeanDream

    ix stone 4 1/4 is what I am today LOL - and that is 130.25lbs : on MFP I log that as 130.2 (near enough!)

What Does 130.2 Kilos Register In Weight,


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